Entries by enewel

Music Scholars

We are delighted to have awarded a number of students with Music scholarships. To achieve a scholarship the students had to show a commitment to developing skills along with a performance on their chosen instrument.


In this issue of Connect: Staff Pantomime, Year 7 Buzzbooks project, bundle balloon debate, and much more…


This term, Year 7 form tutors handed out books to their delighted tutees. Each year, the College purchases books for Year 7 students from the National Literacy Bookbuzz project.

Service of Remembrance 2020

We held a Service of Remembrance at the College, where we held a 2 minute silence to remember the military past and present who put their lives on the line to protect us.

Mary Poppins 2020

We are delighted to share with you photos and video from our production of Mary Poppins.

2021 Admissions

Parents of children who are due to start secondary school in September 2021, must submit an application to their ‘home’ local authority.


In this issue of Connect: Brilliant Bugs Elective, Poetry Competition, Equestrian Success, and much more…

Equestrian Success

Congratulations to 3 of our students who recently competed in a show jumping competition at the Valeview Equestrian Centre.

Interested in applying for 2021

We have created an interactive experience that you can enjoy from the comfort and safety of your own home to give you a flavour of life as a student at Catmose College, and our unique educational offer.