Entries by enewel

Christmas Concert 2019

On 18 December Catmose College and Harington School held their annual Christmas Concert at All Saints’ Church, Oakham.


In this issue of Connect: Year 8 Mosque and Gurdwara trip, BTEC Cafe Culture Exhibition, London Medicine Trip, Sporting successes, and much more…

Spanish Exchange Home Leg

The Languages team have recently been hosting the home leg of another successful Spanish exchange. Students from SEK International School Alborán in Almería have been enjoying a variety of trips and improving on their English during their time here.

Post 16 event

Year 11s had the opportunity to meet and speak with representatives of a variety of post 16 and 18 courses, and apprenticeships providers at our annual post 16 event.

Presentation Evening 2019

This week we held our annual Presentation Evening with last years’ Year 11 students returning to the College to collect their GCSE certificates and celebrate their achievements with staff and friends.

German Exchange 2019

On Wednesday evening we left England and travelled to Stuttgart, Germany. We drove to school in Bonnigheim and met with our exchange partners and were welcomed into their homes.

Sicily Geography Trip

Holy Cannoli! 38 students from Catmose College and Harington spent 5 gloriously sunny days exploring the sites (Greek Theatres), sounds (Italian bus drivers) and smells (sulphurous mud baths) of Sicily.


In this issue of Connect: Year 7 Bushcraft Residential, Academic Scholars, Netball success and much more…