Entries by enewel

German Exchange

During the last week of June, we welcomed 31 German exchange students from the Alfred-Amann-Gymnasium School in Bönnigheim.

GCSE and BTEC Artwork

We are delighted to share with you a selection of the work produced by our talented GCSE and BTEC Art, design and craft students.

Varsity Champions

Well done to our Varsity team who are the champions and top of the table against the other rutland and melton secondary schools for the 6th year in a row!

Academic Scholars Trip

Our Academic Scholars visited Tolethorpe this term for an evening of culture and enjoyed a performance of Julius Caesar.

Open Evening 2019

Join us at our Open Evening on Wednesday 2nd October. Tours of our outstanding facilities will be provided throughout the evening, staff and students look forward to welcoming you and giving potential students a flavour of College life and answering any questions you may have.

Equestrian Success

Rebekah was recently commended by the Principal for her Equestrian successes outside fo College.

Oundle Drama Festival

On Wednesday 3 April, 68 students in Years 7 – 12 from Catmose College and Harington School competed at the 101st Oundle Festival of Music and Drama.