Year 7 Lion King Performance

After months of rehearsals during their Music and Drama lessons our Year 7 students wowed us with their performances of songs from the musical The Lion King.

GCSE Results 2021

Catmose College students are celebrating an exceptional set of results this year.

Join us in 2022

We invite prospective parents and students to join us at our Open Evening on Wednesday 6th October 2021.

College Expansion Consultation

We are seeking support from our community so that we can accept an additional 30 students each year into Year 7 to meet local demand.

French Exchange Programme

We have recently set up an email exchange with Lycée Jules Ferry School in Paris.

Year 7 Bushcraft Trip

The term we took 166 very excited Year 7 students, across two days, on a one day Bushcraft experience to Rockingham Forest.

Gymnastics and Trampolining Display

Welcome to the first Catmose College virtual Gymnastics and Trampolining display. You will see gymnasts and trampolinists from Year 7 to 10 show off their skills in routines created and practiced during extra- curricular clubs in Term 5.

The Duke of Edinburghs Award 2021

If you're currently in Year 8 & 9, you'd have the opportunity to sign up to do your Bronze or Silver Duke of Edinburgh's Award (DofE) this term.

COVID RESPONSE (archive: Up to August 2021)

This page will be updated to reflect the current government advice…

Rotary Art Competition

Congratulations to Ailee, Freya, Fin and Jessica who were winners in the recent Rotary Art Competition, under the theme of Wild Nature.