Duke of Edinburgh’s Expedition

Recently 34 of our students successfully completed their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh’s Award expedition in an area of Charnwood forest over 3 days and 2 nights. During the first day teams took part in a training day where they refreshed their camp craft, cooking and navigation skills, before embarking on a short day walk. Teams then took part in their qualifying expedition over 2 days and 1 night averaging distances of 14km and 6 hours of planned activity each day. Throughout the 3 days students were excited, enthusiastic and very glad to be in the great outdoors again. The weather was very kind during their expedition and students really enjoyed the experience.
The Covid-19 pandemic hasn’t stopped our students participating in their DofE Award – far from it. Despite the challenges, our students have worked extremely hard over the last 12-18 months to achieve their award. It has been a life-changing experience where they have had fun times with friends and an opportunity to discover new interests and talents. Students have made a difference to other people’s lives in their community through volunteering. The award has improved their self-esteem and built confidence, it has also boosted their mental health and wellbeing and helped them face and overcome personal challenges.
Throughout the DofE programme they have also gained essential skills and attributes for work and life such as resilience, problem-solving, teamwork, communication and drive, enhancing CVs, university and job applications.