GCSE Results 2021

Catmose College students are celebrating an exceptional set of results this year.

Stuart Williams, Principal, “We are very proud of every Catmose student, they have all triumphed despite two years of disrupted study caused by the pandemic. They demonstrated extraordinary resilience and hard work during the lockdowns. Catmose staff continued to go the extra mile during lockdown meaning students benefitted from very high-quality online teaching which ensured when they returned to College they had not fallen behind in their studies and were ready to sit a robust range of tests that contributed to these excellent results. Our students should be very proud of what they achieved and leave us with the confidence that their grades were hard won, thoroughly deserved and will serve them well to guide their next steps whether that be A levels, Vocational courses or an apprenticeship”.

Baylie Mitchell (Head student) added: “What I enjoyed most about my time at Catmose was the range of activities on offer, there was something new each year.  I felt so supported by the teachers, they were so friendly and always there to guide me.  My next step is A Levels in chemistry, biology and geography at Harington School and then I hope to become a wildlife biologist”.

This year’s results build on a decade of continuous improvement at the College. We pride ourselves on providing students with a broad academic curriculum that allows them to play to their strengths, for example, over half our students study the separate science of Biology, Chemistry and Physics or take more than one modern foreign language. We complement this offer with over 100 optional ‘elective’ courses across sport, the arts, and culture which broaden students’ experiences. Around a quarter of our students will also learn an individual musical instrument, whilst around a third will take part in competitive sport each year.  In addition to this on-site learning we also run one of the largest and most successful Duke of Edinburgh’s Award programmes in the East Midlands, which has persisted through the pandemic giving students further opportunities to develop teamwork, leadership and resilience.

Oliver Williams (Head student) said: “I am incredibly proud of our year, having adapted to all the challenges over the past 2 years. I am grateful for all the opportunities that Catmose College has given me, including the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, Battlefields trip to Belgium and being chosen as Head Student. I am excited to start at Harington School to study maths, economics and physics”.

Stuart Williams, Principal, added “the reason Catmose students are so successful in examinations is not just the high quality teaching or their own hard work; it is also as a result of the breadth of other experiences at the College which develop their overall character that means when life gets hard, as it has for us all this year, our students are very adept at picking themselves up and getting on with what they need to do. This has been admirably demonstrated by their approach to their studies this year and exemplifies why Catmose is such a popular and successful school.”

A few highlights this year included 77% of students achieved grade 4 (pass) and above and 53% achieved a grade 5 (strong pass) or above including English and maths.

The following students were the College’s highest achieving with an amazing set of results achieving only grades 7, 8 and 9, which are the equivalent of the old A and A* grades.

Philip Tradewell, Catherine Hinch, Richard Tomblin, Oliver Williams, Olivia Bowles, Alice Harries, Henry Harrison, Benjamin Atkinson, Alexandra Bateman, Oliver Pound, Patrick Denton, Abigail Lamb, Sienna Murphy, Ethan Rawden and Lucy Turley.

Phillip Tradewell who gained nine nines! said: “I am thrilled with my results. I am now going to Harington School where I am looking forward to studying maths, physics and German. I then plan to go University to hopefully study engineering. I would like to say thank you to the teachers for all their hard work, help and support”.

Astounding progress was also made by:
Luke Adams, Rebekah Arthey, Benjamin Atkinson, Calum Davis, Eleanor Garfoot, Aleena Haider, Alice Harries, Thomas Harries, Marcie Hearth, Catherine Hinch, Lucy Hollywood, Abigail Lamb, William McCabe, Matilda Michelson, Theia Morgan, Jessica Newby, Lydia Orton, Tobias Page, Oliver Pound, Ethan Rawden, Hannah Thornley, Richard Tomblin, Lucy Turley, Lyanda Williams, Lara Woolhouse and Mateusz Zawadzki.

Catherine Hinch, who is going to Harington School next to study A levels said: “I am really pleased with my fantastic results. I support my family on our farm and these results will enable me to fulfil my dreams of becoming a vet. Thank you to all the wonderful teachers who have supported me”.

Olivia Bowles said “My favourite teacher was Ms Collins and I really enjoyed the way all the lessons were taught. If I had any queries I could go to a teacher and they would help me. I loved the German exchange, it was so nice to go and meet friends that had been over to England six months previously. I am now going to Melton Vale to study A Levels in maths, history and psychology”.

Lucy Turley said “I am delighted with my results. What I liked most about my time at Catmose was the amount of trust the staff placed in the students, the learning was collaborative and I felt this was a special relationship. My next step is WQE in Leicester where I will study film, politics and history. After this I plan to go to university in Canada as my family are there”.

Abigail Lamb said “I am really happy, I particularly enjoyed the sport offered at the College. I am now going to Hartpury College in Gloucester to study rugby and them I hope to play rugby and go into sports management”.

If you would like to find out more about what the College has to offer, we invite prospective parents and students to join us at our Open Evening on Wednesday 6 October 2021 from 5.30 – 7.30pm. Whatever your child’s interests there are opportunities to explore and develop these, and to find new ones. Meet with our students and staff, enjoy tours of our outstanding facilities and get a flavour of life as a student as Catmose College, and our unique educational offer.

Our Principal, Mr Williams, will also be giving a presentation during the evening which will include information on our plans to expand.

In relation to our expansion, we are also seeking support from our community so that we can accept an additional 30 students each year into Year 7 to meet local demand. This will bring around £5 million of investment that will create an opportunity to build new facilities, offer additional support and a broader curriculum for all our students through new modern foreign languages, technology and science facilities.

We are interested in your views on these proposals and have set up a short online survey, which will take a few minutes to complete.

Please follow this link to take part in the survey.
