Iceland 2020

During the February half term staff and students flew to Iceland for a photography trip, read all about it below:

This trip was incredible! And the place its self couldn’t be more different from England. I would recommend this trip to anyone.

Iceland’s culture is so vivid. The legends or saga as they would call them are very interesting, and riddled with tales of elves and trolls inhabiting the freezing island. If you look into the mountains you can see the faces of the trolls that stayed out partying too long and got turned to stone by the sun. You will learn about these creatures and a lot more! The city is beautiful, bright coloured buildings and amazing architecture surrounded by a tidal cove which is towered over by a breath taking mountain range. This area is perfect for street photography and will make a huge difference in your photo shoots rather than boring old England all the time.

As you leave Reykjavik and go into the beyond it is rather like being in the middle of nowhere. However this is quickly forgotten as the views of the open countryside are spectacular! Any chance you get to take photos of it do.  A lot of our time in Iceland was spent in the wilderness, and it was so worth it. Everything we did there was a photo opportunity and as a photography student it was very useful. There are so many wonderful landscapes and scenery like nothing you have ever seen before.

We saw a lot of spectacular sights, glittering waterfalls, monstrous mountains, lava caves that immerse you into darkness, glaciers, geysers, horses and so much more. My favourite and not yet mentioned was the beaches. They had black sand which created a beautiful contrast to the ferocious waves that almost drenched us, as a result of a photo opportunity for Mr Williams. But these beaches where so pretty and well worth the blustery winds that froze a finger or two.

Some of the hotel choices where… questionable, but this didn’t matter much because at the end of the day a good meal and bed was much appreciated.

Every experience in Iceland was incredible and it really is a once in a life time opportunity! Not to mention the difference it makes to your course work. Bring a couple of radiators and jumpers and you will have the time of your life.

K Raxter