Post-16 Event 2022

Wear it Pink 2022

Alicia Kearns MP, Nadhim Zahwi and Stuart Williams walking down the front of Catmose College.

Education Minister Visit

We were proud to welcome the Secretary of State Education Minister,…

Open Evening 2022

We invite prospective parents and students to join us at our Open Evening on Wednesday 5thOctober 2022 from 5.30pm – 7.30pm.

French Immersion Day

During the holidays, Catmose College became a French Secondary School for the day, hosting a language immersion experience due to COVID preventing trips to France.

Catmose Dance Show 2022

This week we held our 6th annual Catmose Dance Show with students from Catmose Primary and Catmose College performing.

Houses of Parliament Visit

This week our Academic scholars visited the Houses of Parliament.

York Residential Trip

At the end of last term the Humanities department took 58 Year 9 students to Yorkshire for a residential trip.

Setting Sail for Motunui

Last weekend Catmose College performed the musical ‘Moana’. The energetic and talented cast sang and danced their way through this uplifting musical, performing four shows to packed audiences.

Tree Guardians

Following a visit by Ms Kearns to Catmose College to discuss environmental action, students showed their environmental sense of urgency when, on Saturday 12 March, they planted 400 trees.