Author Virtual Visit

As part of National Careers Week, English students in Years 7 – 9 had the opportunity to virtually meet Frank Cottrell Boyce, award winning children’s author.

MP Visit

We were joined in college today by MP Alicia Kearns MP . She answered questions from students in Year 10 and Harington school on topics that are important to them.

Moana Tickets on Sale

Tickets are now on sale for our upcoming musical Moana, click here to book.

Regional Gymnastics Success

Last weekend the gymnastics squad competed in the East Midlands Regional Floor and Vault competition and the Team Milano Regional Qualifiers, held in Stamford.

Nottingham University Trip

This term Year 9 students visited the University of Nottingham as part of their outreach programme.

Apprenticeship & Careers Event 2022

This term, over 600 Catmose and Harington students from years 10 – 12 visited the Apprenticeship and Careers event in the theatre.

Expansion Plan Approved

Following a consultation with the local community we are delighted to have received formal approval to expand Catmose College to increase capacity to admit an additional 30 students into Year 7, subject to planning permission being obtained.

Christmas Concert 2021

We were delighted to be able to hold our annual Christmas Concert at All Saints' Church last night.The evening featured a variety of musical performances from students in all year groups, along with a beautiful reading and drama performance.

LAMDA Presentation Evening

On the evening of Monday 6th December students studying LAMDA exams performed their pieces in the Theatre to parents and friends.

London Photography Trip

From 15th-17th November 2021, 32 Year 11 Art and Design students travelled to London for a few days of creative experiences to enhance their coursework portfolio.

Presentation Evening 2021

It was wonderful to welcome back last years Year 11 students for their presentation evening to to collect their GCSE certificates and celebrate their achievements with staff and friends.

National Police Memorial Service

Our fabulous Music teacher Mr Stevenson was recently asked to perform at the National Police Memorial Day Service held at Lincoln Cathedral.

Principal's Presentation 2021

Following on from our Open Evening we are delighted to share with you our Principal’s presentation, outlining our ethos, values and expectations.

Rugby Commendation

Year 11 student Phoenix has been commended and been awarded a gold braided tie by our Principal for successfully reaching the selection stages to the National Centre of Excellence for Female Rugby.

Sporting Success at Catmose

It has been a successful week of sport at Catmose College. Our Year 11 Football team won both of their fixtures this week

European Day of Languages

Students from Catmose College, Catmose Primary and Harington School came together to celebrate European Day of Languages.

Duke of Edinburgh's Expedition

Recently 34 of our students successfully completed their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh’s Award expedition in an area of Charnwood forest over 3 days and 2 nights.

Open Event 2021

Our College Open Event is on Wednesday 6 October 5.30 – 7.30pm.  The Principal’s presentation is at 5.45 and 6.45pm respectively.

Covid Management Strategy

We have updated our approach over the summer to the management…