Absences adversely affect the progress that students make. One of the most important things you can do for your child is make sure that they attend College regularly and on time. It is only the Principal that can authorise an absence from College. Please read the College Policy on attendance and term-time absence.

We are only able to authorise time off College in EXCEPTIONAL, once-in-a-lifetime circumstances. The Principal cannot authorise a planned absence retrospectively. It is unlikely that an absence will be granted if a student’s attendance is currently below 97% or if the absence would bring them below this figure. Permission will not be given if the reason is because of cost e.g. it is cheaper to get flights during term-time.

The following are indicative of acceptable reasons for requesting an absence:

  • for a close family funeral.
  • taking part in a significant event involving education, sport, music or other performance.

Unauthorised absence will form part of a student’s record. It is often difficult for students to catch up with work as they miss out on the interaction with the teacher and other students.

Please note that we may need to ask for additional evidence to support any request and therefore require that they are made at least 10 working days in advance of the planned absence.

To apply for a term time absence please click here to download the form.


Failure to secure your child’s regular attendance at school is an offence under Section 444 of the  Education Act 1996.  If the absence is not authorised, the Local Authority may take legal proceedings against a parent/guardian. This may result in the following:

  • A Penalty Notice requiring payment of a penalty of up to £120 per parent per child. Failure to pay the penalty will result in prosecution before a Magistrates Court.
  • Prosecution under Section 444(1) Education Act 1996, where if convicted, a parent/guardian may be fined up to £1,000.
  • Prosecution under Section 444(1A) Education Act 1996 where if convicted, a parent/guardian may be fined up to £2,500 and/or a custodial sentence.

Please note that you may not be issued with a Penalty Notice as the Local Authority may decide that it is appropriate to prosecute you without first offering an alternative.

In cases of aggravated non-attendance (where parents have already received a penalty notice) this will be recorded on the National Police Computer and will be declared on any DBS checks carried out by employers or other agencies.


TERM 1Summer Bank Holiday – Monday 28 August 2023
College Opens Wednesday 30 August 2023
College Closes Friday 13 October 2023
TERM 2College Opens Monday 30 October 2023
College Closes Friday 15 December 2023
TERM 3College Opens Tuesday 2 January 2024
College Closes Friday 9 February 2024
TERM 4College Opens Monday 19 February 2024
College Closes Thursday 28 March 2024
Good Friday Bank Holiday – Friday 29 March 2024
Easter Monday Bank Holiday – Monday 1 April 2024
TERM 5College Opens Monday 15 April 2024
May Bank Holiday – Monday 6 May 2024
College Closes Friday 24 May 2024
TERM 6College Opens Monday 3 June 2024
College Closes Friday 12 July 2024


TERM 1Summer Bank Holiday – Monday 26 August 2024
College Opens Thursday 29 August 2024
College Closes Friday 18 October 2024
TERM 2College Opens Monday 4 November 2024
College Closes Friday 20 December 2024
TERM 3College Opens Monday 6 January 2025
College Closes Friday 14 February 2025
TERM 4College Opens Monday 24 February 2025
College Closes Friday 4 April 2025
Good Friday Bank Holiday – Friday 18 April 2025
Easter Monday Bank Holiday – Monday 21 April 2025
TERM 5College Opens Tuesday 22 April 2025
May Bank Holiday – Monday 5 May 2025
College Closes Friday 23 May 2025
TERM 6College Opens Monday 2 June 2025
College Closes Friday 11 July 2025


TERM 1Summer Bank Holiday – Monday 25 August 2025
College Opens Thursday 28 August 2025
College Closes Friday 17 October 2025
TERM 2College Opens Monday 3 November 2025
College Closes Friday 19 December 2025
TERM 3College Opens Monday 5 January 2026
College Closes Friday 13 February 2026
TERM 4College Opens Monday 23 February 2026
College Closes Thursday 2 April 2026
Good Friday Bank Holiday – Friday 3 April 2026
Easter Monday Bank Holiday – Monday 6 April 2026
TERM 5College Opens Monday 20 April 2026
May Bank Holiday – Monday 4 May 2026
College Closes Friday 22 May 2026
TERM 6College Opens Monday 1 June 2026
College Closes Friday 10 July 2026